Iliana Ilieva

snowflake after snowflake
the stone bridge

= Translated by the ULITKA =

Iliana Ilieva

Iliana was born in 1969 in Vratsa, Bulgaria. For the last 20 years she’s been living in Sofia. Iliana graduated from the National school for ancient languages and Sofia University. Iiana writes (western) poems and haiku. Her works were published in various Bulgarian newspapers and magazines, in the Russian internet-magazine „Lyagushatnik“, in the almanac „Haikumena-2", in the anthology „Haiku So Vsego Mira PUT’", on the World Haiku Association website (haiga). Her first book of three-liners, haiku and tanka „Zhabeshki skok“ (2004) was illustrated by the Moscow artist Valery Dunaev. Since 2005 Iliana works as an editor of the poetical miniature section of the internet magazineLiternet.bg.